

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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April Challenge: My Shower Buddy

April Challenge: My Shower Buddy

My March challenge was great! It definitely helped my blogging experience tremendously! Well, even though April is almost out, i have another challenge lined up- it involves my phone. Sigh.

My phone and I do everything together. This began to bother me when last week, i put my phone in a ziplock bag and took it into the shower because i was talking on it to my friend. Tsk. I know. 

The average smartphone user opens their eyes at 7.30am and right about 7.31am start to use their phones, earlier, for those who commute.

My phone and i wake up together at 5.30am, as it shrills “Stereo” Gymclass heros (ft Adam Levine). I get up and walk to it (this is the best way to avoid the snooze button, put it at last ten feet away. If your living space is less than 10 feet, tuck it in something before you go to bed; a pair of shoes, in a pile of clothes)
I hit the stop button with Adam mid-sentence. Then I take it back and sit (or lie) on my bed. I see a couple of messages and notifications. I go through them and reply as many as I can before falling asleep again (this is what happens when I don’t reply those messages on time, mum).
I wake up again and hit my bible app. I read the verse of the day and pretend to think about it as I tap the instagram widget. The morning-people are up and a-posting already! I love those people. Then I frown angrily and think, this phone is not in charge! It’s not the boss! I am! So I throw it somewhere (this is why I never see your calls when you call, Ronnie); I walk away and go and read my print version of the bible and start my day. My phone is rolling its eyes at me, somewhere in the sheets and knows i’d start looking for it soon. Why? Because I am a blogger and I type on it. Soon, i begin my search and I find it after a while. I begin to work-research, type, type, research, type, type, delete, delete, type, type, type, edit, post. It smiles, self-satisfied. 

The same self-satisfied look it had when i took it into the shower.  I don't like that look.

Sometime next week, I'm going to be spending a day without my phone. Lol. This is going. to. be. tricky.
I write on it, I navigate on it, I Instagram on it(yes, Instagram is a verb), I listen to my bible, stare at recipes I admire but might never cook, I everything on it. Let's see how it goes. 24 hours with out my shower-buddy! Let's do this! 

Dating on Referral-The Photo

Dating on Referral-The Photo

5 Awesome Things I miss About Lagos

5 Awesome Things I miss About Lagos