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I must say this is the best thing I've seen online all year. I've spent the last 48 hrs reading and digesting over and over again.”- Ernest, Nigeria


I love her blog, I’m going to read it all” -Anonymous, Canada


I am very taken by your blog's theme and the overall interface. I’m definitely going to subscribe.”- Gideon, Nigeria


I stumbled on your blog a few months ago and i love it!!! Your posts are so witty and a breath of fresh air. I always look forward to new blog posts”- Nachuuma


Ike is a creative genius” - DH Bragdon, USA


I love how you make everything bright and sunny...even if its a bad thing you are talking about”- K, (Location unknown)


All have been great reads back to back. Kudos!”- Kike, Nigeria


Her writing is so much fun to read and the descriptions are detailed but simple enough for one to imagine.”- Adaeze, Nigeria


I love your blog...I know I tell u this all the time, it is really special, in the 5 mins or less it takes me to read a post,I momentarily live in a world that is cotton candy pink n sunshine yellow.”- Kina, Nigeria


I hardly read blogs but I read PGI”, Gerard, USA


"Your blog is divine", Di, USA


"Splendid!" M.O


Love. Love. Love this blog!!!!” Yinka, USA