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YOLO Twice! (The Bucket Lists)

The general idea that we are entitled to one opportunity to life is a valid one. We only get one chance of approximately 110+ years (if we are good and avoid conflict, make the right lifestyle decisions and live in a nice country house somewhere along the Mediterranean feeding on fish, fruit and olive oil) to milk life's opportunities for all they are worth.

One life to live to chase our dreams; see the Northern lights; ride a sluggish camel beneath the Middle Eastern sun; laugh with a stranger as you buy a brochette on the streets of Marrakech; paraglide from the top of Mount Salève; snorkel in clear unknown acquamarine waters; drink from a cactus in the Galápagos island; touch the ashy, leathery hide of a 8 ton elephant; take selfies with a colourful priest in Kathmandu; eat crunchy locust as tribute to Pumba and Timon; find an actual Nemo in Great Barrier Reef; crack those lovely castanhas on the streets of Lisbon; sky dive; fall in love; buy a ferret; write a book; write another book- an auto-biography naturally; all these and much more in 110 plus or minus 10 years.

It's ambitious, i know, that we only get one shot to accomplish all these things, if at all you care to. I, honestly, am only interested in the food-related ones except the locust.

I don't know about you but I really wonder if i am going to make the most of this "You Only Live Once" thing. Would I be tagged as an under-achiever because i don't tick all these boxes?! Who cares? If i don't, it's completely ok, it turns out that We, actually, Only Live Once, Twice!

Yup, you have a second chance, pay Drake no mind!

We live here on earth and do all the aforementioned (or not) and then we live again! This time we are given an eternity to do what we want; to cloud-surf with Gabriel and Michael, to be reconciled with old friends that left us ages ago, to sing and love endlessly on God and to play contact sport with Grandpa Abraham, to fly around town with your earthly spouse and splash around in choc fountains with friends, to sing to God new songs and to live in a city, which no longer has the sun as its light but the creator as its only source of illumination and the son as its lamp.

I know i joke around a lot on PGI but it's necessary to have it said out loud: Life is fun. It's full of color, opportunities and all the excitement that would probably outlive most of us, but there is another life after, its centered around God and his Son, Jesus Christ. He wants everyone to be part of it. If you don't know him yet, you can, just click here!

The itinerary for that life will be like 50 shades of lit. I'm not even kidding. L.I.T. Make the most of the life you live in though, see the world, build relationships, eat weird (healthy) stuff, dance and play, it's all a foggy rehearsal of the life to come!

Please share. You never know who you might help. What are your imaginations about heaven? I'm into food-related adventure, as you can tell. If the Angels eat manna, do we get to have a menu too? Num.

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