

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

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Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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Real Stories #6: What I Saw When I Opened Her Bedroom Door

Real Stories #6: What I Saw When I Opened Her Bedroom Door

They always say be 'Friends First', apparently the best relationships are with those people you first build friendships with. I don’t know why, but it is what they say, so don’t argue, just Find a Friend and date the hell out of them.


I did.


I was in the University and I was friends with this super-cool girl. From the first conversation, we had so much common ground; same taste in music, movies, same goals, same quirky humour, and the same type of crazy. She was "my guy"! It was so intense, the friendship, we were always up to something and it was funky all the time. Dating her never crossed my mind though, until one evening when I narrowly escaped falling into a ditch and instead fell on her lips.


Maybe it was love all the while, and so the amazing friendship birthed a beautiful relationship. She was even better in relationship-mode. She could cook a storm and a chilled day. She made sure I went to church and read my bible, solid woman! I was happy and content, so I gained weight.


We had dated for a year and then one evening, I walked in on her having sex with this man. I opened the door and there my girlfriend was, on top of him, cowgirl style. I remember the sweat on her face, the crease of her brows, the shock on her face. The man was visibly startled, there was a brief commotion on the bed, but in all of this, she didn’t stop riding him, they just kept on, apparently too shocked to stop or whatever. I froze there and watched for about 10 seconds, I died 7 times.


I rushed out of the room and then I started to run, I’m talking real actual sprinting. I don’t know why I was running, but it was in the direction of my car. There was water coming out of my eyes, plenty of water, but I wasn’t crying, I can’t explain the biology. This was by far the most pain I had ever felt, it was traumatic, and my chest hurt, like it physically hurt. The haunting picture of her on top of him that I still can’t "un-see".


How can somebody just blind-side you with some real shit like that? This solid woman. This fight-with-me-if-I-didn’t-go-to-church woman. Where did my girlfriend find Aristo? So I am just ordinary school boyfriend? So many questions.


Maybe being cheated on isn’t fun. Maybe fall into a ditch instead. Maybe always knock and don’t badge into your girlfriend’s room. Maybe dust yourself up and move on. Maybe it’s no big deal and shit happens. Maybe don’t trust people anymore. Maybe stay hopeful. Maybe the best relationships are with those people you first build friendships with.


She said she was sorry.


This is story #6 of the "Dating Like Crazy" series (read #5#4#3#2 and #1 ). This article was written by an anonymous contributor. Please note that this is a real story, please comment kindly. Thanks.

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