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My File Cabinet of Wrong

I keep records all right; color coded, indexed and filed. I have categories and time periods (for easy referral). Some people even have their own files. For example, my neighbor who never responds when i say 'hi' to him at the mail box. His file is green. Then there's that bully from when i was 8, my own personal bully. Her file is befittingly black with no gloss. There's also that lady who always meets my gleeful smiles and hi's with an arched brow. She has done it about 3 times (told you i kept record). The third time, by some clearly supernatural power she managed to arch both brows simultaneously. If you don't think that's supernatural, try arching both your brows at the same time. She was quite a sight. Her file is a faded kind of pink.

I have been meditating on this verse for like 2 weeks now and i'm sure even the cloud of witnesses are like "When is she going to get it already?", while fanning themselves with heaven type hand-fans. I think i'm not getting over these wrongs because i want closure, i want to know why in the world they are acting that way. In the ideal world, they would immediately feel awful for raising their eyebrows into eagle wings and run over to apologize and give a reason. Guess what, that doesn't happen. And then the bible goes and says not to keep any records. Sigh. So what's going to happen to all my files? How am I going to move on without closure, an apology, a picture of those epic eyebrows? Again, the bible says love keeps no record of wrongs, period and not love keeps no record of wrong, once closure is obtained. So i'm learning to live without closure. It's over-rated, honestly. All the power lies with the other person and their brows (lol! I need to get over this brow. Officially mentioned a variant of the word "brow" at least 6 times.)

This is the end of this post and right now, I am mentally setting fire to my files, all of them. Also you never know whats going on with people privately. They may be going through some struggle or stressful experience. I guess i'll keep saying hey until one day when they eventually respond. As i type this, i'm thinking about keeping the black file, but then, (deep breath) "Love keeps no record of wrong." Let it burn.


What's your file cabinet like? How do you deal with filed wrongs? Some people think you can't really forget, what's your take? Would you keep saying hello until they respond?