

My name is Ike. I am a writer. I drink way too much herbal tea and believe in the power of kindness, love and a good book.

I blog about Relationships, God and Style!

About Pages by Ike

Pages by Ike is a safe space that fosters learning and growth in unison through un-sober reflections! No pretension. No judgement.

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How to Receive Compliments Gracefully

How to Receive Compliments Gracefully

Whenever I'm paid a compliment, I freeze. My mind freezes, my lips freeze for sure, and of course, I have the hugest brain freeze in the universe. I don't know why! I guess I become a little more self-conscious and aware, which apparently leads to a feeling of embarrassment. I know, I don't get it either. Shrug. Well, good luck to moi because I'm about to push me into a lot of discomfort. I've decided to learn to accept compliments, instead of offering that weirdo-smile I give everyone when they say something nice about me.

Here are the steps I'm taking: 

Step one: Receive the compliment. I usually just let compliments slide off by keeping quiet or giving an awkward laugh or the weirdo smile. I’m learning to say "thank you" and to smile warmly (toning down the weirdness there). Receiving a compliment acknowledges the comment and says that you value the giver's observation and opinion.  If you put in a lot of work into something, and it gets noticed, then just take the props when it comes. 

Step two: Don’t return the compliment unless you really mean it. We can tell if your compliment is sincere. If it isn't... guess what? We can still tell! You gave me a sincere praise, then I dish you a lie about how I like your hair(which is clearly an eye-sore). Blink. Then it becomes weird. Just saying.

You don't have to respond with a compliment. Plus it’s your moment, bask in it a little. 

Step three: Give honor to whom honor is due. If someone compliments your deliverables, remember to mention the other members of your team or support group that contributed to the success. If someone likes your makeup, say thank you, and give some attribution to your makeup artist or whoever taught you the trade.

Step four: This is completely optional. Pass on the secret. If you feel comfortable telling your compliment-giver what the secret to your success is, then go for it. Otherwise just receive, attribute, smile (not like a weirdo) and look pretty.

Do you have  anymore suggestions on how to receive compliments gracefully? I’m really working on this grace thing. 

Pillow Talk | Foreplay's Afterplay

Pillow Talk | Foreplay's Afterplay

Letters to my Greatgrand Daughter: Your Inner Samurai

Letters to my Greatgrand Daughter: Your Inner Samurai