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Double Num: Breakfast and a Book

Earlier in the week, I got lost in the library, intentionally. It's one of the places I go when my day gets a little "grey". Right, I know most people go to bars but someone doesn't handle her alcohol well *shrug* and usually needs to eat a plate of Eba before indulging in any form of drinking (thank me later, for the Eba hack). It was definitely too early for Eba or a drink.

Anyway, I went home that day with two books. One of which is this book, Malaria Dreams by Stuart Stevens published in 1989. Yup, 1989, that book was being published while I was making gooey paste with my Farley's rusks (baby finger-food), somewhere behind our champagne colored settee and breaking into fits of toothless smiles at the mess*grin*.

The title of the book was the first thing that caught my attention and then the font colors, which are very similar to PagesbyIke's theme colors *blush*.

Malaria Dreams had me laughing from page one. I had to take it home because I couldn't keep laughing at the library and keep disturbing the guy watching mute music videos on the library computers. Don't ask. Cool dude, though.

Malaria Dreams is about this supposedly wide-eyed American who goes on a journey to Central African Republic (CAR) in the 1980's to pick up his friend's jeep and drive it to Paris, as a favor. He thought it would be fun. Lol! His friend, also seems to be wanted by the CAR government. Stevens gets it all- the stress, the heat, the bureaucracy, the alley-mugs, and of course, malaria! 

Of course, if ever you read this book, there are tons of opportunities to cringe, if you are African. It's really disturbing to think we've had the same issues since back then; corruption and the lack of accountability. Same thing, since the 80's! Nigeria, of course, was mentioned. Hey, boo! I don't want to talk about it though. Lol.

I appreciate Steven's honesty and his wicked humor. I hope it ends well for everyone. He clearly survives malaria, because he just tweeted a few hours ago. As for Africa, it will end well, the rest is still unwritten. Unwritten but predestined, by God. 

Have a great Sunday! 

[Oh, yeah breakfast was 2 eggs (sunny side up, not runny!), a toasted bagel, strawberry jam and Teavana's kiwi berry colada tea]

Have you read this book? What are you reading these days? What's the one word that comes to mind that would solve the problems in Africa? Do you have your eggs runny? Consider yourself special, apparently, people who eat their eggs runny, build long-lasting friendships. Who knew?

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