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Surprise for My Silent Readers!

What's a blog without it's silent readers? Our Silentós!  In the last 2 weeks, a few of our silent readers have reached out to me to say hi or to comment discreetly. I'd like to say 'Thank you' for those messages and reading PGI, even if you don't comment. It means a lot. 😘

I have 3 surprises for you and other readers as well, to make sure your experience on the blog is synonymous to the expression 'walk in the park'. Here goes!

Breezy comments! [Surprise#1]

I have been speaking with a few of the readers and some have mentioned that they have experienced some difficulty commenting on the blog. So...surprise! Commenting just became a breeze. We are trying a new system that makes commenting much easier. You can now comment anonymously even, finally! Lay out that dirty laundry and whoosa! Try it out and see. Previous comments on the blog had to be removed to try out this new system, that was a difficult sacrifice. So please make our comment-loss worth it by commenting! We are trying out this new comment system to make sure commenting is as easily as licking an ice-cream cone....on a breezy day!

To my regular commenters 😍, without you this blog would just the sound of clicking keyboard keys followed by crickets and silence. Thank you for the comments!!! I definitely appreciate you. Your comments aren't deleted, they are stored in the Disqus account to which you signed up. We are trying out this new commenting system to see if it works for us.  Don't stop commenting! You make this blogger giddy😘

[David Bragdon, Kikelomo Omotalade, Ife.O, Otelemuye, Kacheetee! Thanks!]

The Subscription button!  [Surprise #2]

Why play catch up when you can subscribe now by hitting the pretty blue button?! Posts come straight into your mail box, casually, no big deal. Gives us a chance to slide into your DM too. Wink.

The 2 posts a-day challenge!   [Surprise #3]

I’m on a 2-posts a day challenge, until the month of April! I'm pushing myself just a little bit more. It is, after all, our implicit mantra on PGI, "Encourage. Push. Extra mile. Better you." The challenge is challenging, I have to tell you, living up to its name. It's a pleasure though, writing it and seeing you respond. Thank you for all the feedback and encouragement! Please remember to share posts and to use the new features!


If you have other suggestions on how to make your experience better, please let us know below!  I'm so going to try this anonymous thing.