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For de Men dem: Becoming Drogo

Two of my guy friends are growing their beards!!! Whohoo! I know.......they need coconut oil. That's what i told them too! 

This is some Khal Drogo biz. I'm pretty sure Drogo uses coconut oil, guys. I like to imagine that after he runs around all day cutting out tongues of disloyal subjects and raiding and looting villages, he has some alone time with his beard, grooming and massaging with coconut oil. Some manly time.

So to all the men dem, growing a beard, get a jar of coconut oil. Its great anti-bacterial, anti-microbe properties keep your beard healthy! It's high in triglycerides which is great for growth. Also, it gives it a luxurious shine. If you'd like a bit more intensity in this care process, click on this link.....before I give you the link, if any of you guys have mocked the natural hair journey of your girlfriends or friends or sister or mum, or the hustle in general, i want to say with all the smug my face can contain......"In your face!" Literarily.

Alright, here's how to make awesome beard balm, with just oils. The same oils the natural girls use. You'll love it. You'll also love smelling like coconut. You'll smell like a dessert. I know you'll complain about how you smell but I know you secretly love it. I see some slathering some on their legs and ashy ankles, using it to treat baldness (it has been said to help) and as a lip balm. All that good stuff.

If you haven't considered growing a beard. Think about it. Girls love a good beard. They do. Maybe not all, but most. Studies prove it. So hey, the girls love it, Khal has one. Let it grow!

Please remember: Kissing a guy with facial hair is interesting enough, please ensure you clean your beard often enough when food gets stuck in it. No one wants to know you had Oatmeal for breakfast and Edikaikong for lunch.

All the best and please share with a #beardgang friend


Ps: Jason Momoa has not admitted to these coconut-y allegations

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